Quality Infrastructure courses

We are pleased to introduce to as part of the Quality Promotions initiatives, the Quality Infrastructure courses that have been developed for the region through CROSQ. The courses to be introduced, which were developed as an initiative of the Technical Barriers to Trade Component of the 11th European Development Fund, Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Programme, will include:


·       QOES001 – Introduction to Quality Infrastructure

·       QOES002 – Standards Development – Essentials

·       QOES003 – Fundamentals of Metrology

·       QOES004 – Auditing for Quality Effectiveness, and

·       QOES005 – Quality Infrastructure: Marketing Communications.


All courses are introductory, although there is a slightly intermediate component in QOES003, which deals with metrology and meteorology. Staff of our Bureau, as well as persons who are interested in the quality infrastructure can enroll for these courses. It is a good way to ensure all staff and stakeholders know at least the basics of QI, which is the realm in which we operate. The Standards course will be particularly helpful to technical committees as well.




Introduction to Quality Infrastructure:

Introduction to Quality Infrastructure is the prerequisite course and covers the basics of QI and its importance.


Topics covered will include Quality Infrastructure and its Pillars; Basic Terms used in QI; QI and Benefits for Business; QI and Trade Facilitation; and QI and the Sustainable Development Goals.              



Standards Development - Essentials

Standards Development - Essentials covers the main standards development considerations.


Topics covered will include Principles of Standardization; Best Practices in Regional Standards Development; ISO/IEC Directives and Techniques and Tools for Stakeholder Engagement and Management.



Fundamentals of Metrology

Fundamentals to Metrology covers the metrology basics with a focus on temperature, which was identified as an area for future development for many bureaux. 


Topics covered will include Fundamental Concepts in Metrology; Calibration and Good Measurement Practice; ISO/IEC 17025 Requirements in Metrology; Temperature Measurement and Calibration and Metrology as Applied to Meteorology.



Auditing for Quality Effectiveness

Auditing for Quality Effectiveness covers the basics of auditing for QI institutions.


Topics covered will include Auditing Fundamentals; the Auditing Process and Auditor Competence; The Audit Programme and Quality Tools and Techniques in Auditing for Quality Effectiveness in Businesses.



Quality Infrastructure: Marketing Communications

Quality Infrastructure: Marketing Communications is for promotion officers of QI institutions.


Topics covered will include Basic Concepts in Marketing Communications; Identification of QI-related Target Audiences; Application of Communication Concepts to Social Media Marketing and Developing Marketing Communication Plans and Social Media Campaigns.


The 'Quality for Organisational Efficiency and Sustainability (QOES) Programme' will be officially launch on January 12, 2024 at 10 a.m. You can have early access to the course site via www.elearning.crosq.org. We extend an invitation to your membership to enroll for the above-mentioned.


The Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago